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Agile work what next? Embracing best working practices

In this blog, Izzie Rivers, CEO of Realm and speaker at Ignite USA, looks at what is on the horizon with agile working practices in B2B marketing.

The traditional office commute is a thing of the past. Today we collaborate together on campaigns across disciplines, school runs and international borders. This evolution has been bubbling away for years, but recently we’ve seen a seismic acceleration of change, and it isn’t stopping any time soon.

Businesses are getting comfortable with flexible working. Mental health, new collaboration technologies and dynamic office space are at the top of the corporate agenda. But have brands gone far enough in adapting the way they resource and act to produce quality work? In other words, we’ve changed where we work, but have we changed how we work?

For brands to survive in this fast paced world they must embrace agile working, and to accelerate past the competition, they need to do it well. Brands need real outcomes. Speed to market. A competitive edge. 

True agility is a set of values and principles which move brands efficiently towards success. It’s your people thinking and interacting in dynamic ways that drive value. It’s not committing to one static work methodology. After all, applying more rules and ceremonies to working practice does not make you agile. 

There is nothing more constant than change, and the brands that thrive on it are the ones defining the new world of B2B marketing. Business resilience can no longer be measured by stability and location, but by agility and how quickly you can pivot toward success.

We want to help B2B marketers understand what mindset is driving the workforce in our world of flexible working. How that translates into designing high performing teams with a culture that attracts top talent. Empowering your people to embrace change, innovate and problem solve.

Learn more about leveraging dynamic resourcing models that change with each need, flexing into the wider business to increase speed to market. How this can build internal confidence for your stakeholders by better aligning expectations and delivery.

Ultimately we want to push the conversation from flexible working to agile working. Continuing the evolution of the way we work to prioritise autonomy, trust and transparency for an empowered place of work.

We’re 100% behind collaboration across multi-disciplinary teams to drive speed and innovation. Ignite gives us a wonderful opportunity to celebrate what brings us together, and debate how we are doing things differently.

We are excited to discover more about new engagement strategies clients and partners are using to work with third partners. What strategies and critical thinking they are using to build more agility into the way they think. To listen to the stories of everyone’s hard work this year, and methods for overcoming challenges and welcoming change together.

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