Flexible Working Report
Find out how B2B Marketers are thinking about agile work with this comprehensive survey based report.
We all know that flexible working is the new normal. Today we collaborate together on campaigns that cross disciplines, school runs and international borders. This evolution has been bubbling away for years, but recently we’ve seen a seismic acceleration of change, and it isn’t stopping any time soon.
Businesses are getting comfortable with flexible working. Mental health, new collaboration technologies and dynamic office space are at the top of the corporate agenda. In other words, we’ve changed where we work, but to what level and with what impact?
In this report we uncover more about flexible working in B2B Marketing specifically. How clients, agencies and suppliers are balancing home and the office. What they think about their relationship with their employer, and what impact flexible work is having on them.
Learn more about:
1. Where we are now.
2. The old way of working is dead.
3. The people are the point.
4. Is it working?
5. Agile working is the new frontier
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